Special Services

T3CHCOMP is leveraging our relationships to provide high-end services directly for the waste and recycling industry.

With our vast experience with material recycling facilities (MRFs) and deep understanding of Energy, CAD, and Materials, we can support your operation on some new levels!


T3CHCOMP can provide a comprehensive energy-based analysis of your Material Processing Facility. Our FREE utility audit is the start of reducing your company’s operational expenditure! Over 80% of our audits find utility invoices with errors and overcharges. Then after correcting those, we are able to evaluate the electricity rates and find alternative sources of lower cost rates. This can include a long term procurement plan for even more savings! Contact us today for your FREE Energy audit of your recycling plant!      



T3CHCOMP is leveraging the newest scanning technologies available. 3D Scanning cameras have come a long way and our ability to scan your recycling plant or building is the first step in having the proper engineering or retrofit work completed. With our MRF experience, we understand exactly what needs to be scanned and how to provide the information. Final output can be a point cloud file in a numerous array of formats or use our design services to engineer the solution for you!


T3CHCOMP can provide a unique form of waste material composition analysis. This is based on the many years of system processing experience. Not only do we sort thru the waste materials but our sorting machine expertise can give you the best methods to mechanically separate the material. Just because someone can manually pick out 12% PET out, doesn’t mean it is all valuable to the market. Or many will find 45% organic waste in MSW but how much can really be recovered and at what purity? Contact T3CHCOMP today to learn what material values can really be achievable from your waste stream.

Let’s Work Together

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to learn how T3CHCOMP can plug into your business to deliver results that matter.

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